
Tuesday 1 December 2020

Art Colouring Book


Hi guys this if my fifth Art. This taked forever to colour. I think this is my second best Art. 

Art Colouring Book

Hi guys this is my forth Art. I think this was my best Art that I did for today. So I hope you guys like my favorite Art. 


Art Colouring Book

Hi guys this is my third Art of doing the SLJ. I hope you guys like my third Art. 


Art Colouring Book

Hi guys this is my second Art of the SLJ. I love doing SLJ and I hope I will get the cetificate. I hope you guys like my art.


Art Colouring Book

Hello guys today we are doing SLJ (Meaning:Summer Learning Journey) , I did this before and I got a cetificate for it. So I decided to do it again. I hope you guys like my art.


Tuesday 17 November 2020

Zoo Rules


Kia ora guys, so today we were doing some rules for the zoo because we going to the zoo tomomorow.I am really excited to go to the zoo with my friends.Have you guys gone to the zoo?

Friday 28 August 2020

What Makes A Volcano


Hi guys, Today we are learning about What makes a Volcano.It was super amazing.But it was too hard.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Little Blue Penguins


Hi guys today we were learning about little blue penguins.It was so amazing.Have you ever learned about little blue penguins.

Tuesday 25 August 2020

Great White Sharks

Hi guys this is my work, Today we were learing about great white sharks, and it was amazing.Have you learned about great white sharks?


Thursday 20 August 2020


I finally beat my score
Before i got 17 points
And Now i got 20 points
Can you beat my score?


Stage 5

This is my baddest score I ever seen!
Look at my score, its do bad
Now im slow like a sloth today
But can you beat my score?
Or should I do more?

Basic Facts

I beat my score again!
I always beat my score 
I am now fast 
But can you beat my score?
Or Should I do some more?

Wednesday 19 August 2020



Hi guys this is my Additon.
I got all of them right again in 2 min.
Do you think you can get all of them right in 2 min?


Hey guys this is my Subtraction score.As you can see i got all of them right in 2 min again.Do you think you can get all of them right in 2 min.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Sione A letter home

Hi guys today we are learning to write a letter about how we miss our parents and what we are doing in the trenches.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

A letter from home

Hi guys today we were learning to write a letter from home about our family and telling what we're doing in a trench.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

We are learning to introduce ourselves through a blog profile

Today We are learning how to write a blog profile and how to introduce ourselves. This is so that we can get to know people.Have you ever wanted to introduce yourself?

Thursday 28 May 2020

Should we celebrate anzac day?

We should celebrate anzac day, because we need to fogive the people who was fighting for us in the 1915 April 25th  Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. I Hope you guys enjoy this. What have you guys  doing during anzac day?

Wednesday 11 March 2020

How we look after our chromebook.

Kia ora guys.This is how we look after our chromebook.How do you guys look after your chromebook?Ka kite.Have a good day!!

Friday 14 February 2020

Cybersmart Safety

Today we were learning Cybersmart Safety.So I made my own Cybersmart Safety Poster.
Do you know other ways to keep safe online?
Ka kite.
Have a good weekend.